1st Online Conference 2020
1st TELSIG Online Conference, October 2020
Technology-enhanced learning and EAP in the post- Covid -19 era.
Conference Speakers and Abstracts
Speakers and Abstracts (click the link to open the document)
Conference Schedule
Conference schedule (Click the link to open the document)
Saturday Talks - Questions and Comments
Sunday Talks - Questions and Comments
Saturday, 3 October 2020 (Day 1)
Recordings and Slides
Nik Peachey, Peachey Publications, UK (Keynote Speaker)
Title: Creating Rapport in the Remote Classroom
3 October @ 10:00-11:00
Phil Longwell, IATEFL Learning Technologies Special Interest Group, UK
Title: A Breakout Summer: First-hand Experience in using Breakout Rooms Effectively on a Summer Pre-sessional 2020
3 October @ 11:00-11:30

Yuan Xie and Shu Deng Xi’an Jiaotong, Liverpool University, Suzhou China
Title: The reflection and exploration of building online learning communities in an EAP virtual learning context
3rd October @ 11:30-12:10

Theodora Tseligka, University of Ioannina, Greece
Title: Could technology host a new ‘Asclepeion’ for the ‘wounded’ LAP/LSP* in Higher Education (HE)? Lessons learnt from a Greek HE students’ evaluation survey during the COVID-era
3 October @ 13:30-14:00

Katie Reschenhofer, University of Vienna, Austria
Title: Should we teach Open Science as part of our EAP curricula?
3 October @ 14:00-14:30

Martin Sketchley, University of Sussex, UK
Title: Investigating the Challenges of Teaching EAP Remotely
3 October @ 14:30- 15:00

Janie Brooks and Kerith George-Briant, University of St. Andrews, UK
Title: Discussion Forums: What are they good for?
3 October @ 15:30-16:10

Sunday, 4 October 2020 (Day 2)
Recordings and Slides
David Read, University of Sheffield, UK (Keynote Speaker)
Title: “One hour a week remission should be plenty” - the reality of building a sustainable technology team
4 October @ 10:00-11:00

Phil Martin, University of York, UK
Title: How have e-learning authoring tools contributed to flipped learning environments?
4 October @ 11:00- 11:30

Julie Hartill, Liz Chiu and Rebecca White, Imperial College London, UK
Title: “People are more likely to speak behind the screen”: Exploring the hidden affordances of running a large-scale interactive event online
4 October @ 11:30-12:30

Denise de Pauw and Jane Heath, University of Leeds, UK
Title: “If we were on campus....”: reflections on managing the multiple spaces of online teaching
4 October @ 12:30-13:10

Deak Kirkham, University of Leeds, UK
Title: Using cognitive processes as pedagogical content knowledge in redesigning a curriculum for online delivery
4 October @ 13:10-13:40

John Wrigglesworth, Sheffield Institute of Education, UK
Title: Pre-sessional Podcasting: A Users Guide
4 October @ 14:00-14:30

Jake Grove, Ann Shapiro and Adam Mountford, University of Birmingham, UK
Title: Supporting Collaboration; Supporting Learners. Integrating a Language Support Team into the Online Learning Environment"
4 October @ 14:30-15:30

Clay Austin, Southern Oregon University, USA
Title: Effectively Engaging Students in a Zoom Classroom
4 October @ 15:30-16:00